Mini breakfast cakes of oatmeal, with yogurt and fruit - Innersparkle | Picky

Breakfast is the best meal of the day for me. Ok, sometimes they are boring sandwiches, but I like to vary them. This time with oatmeal breakfast cakes, filled with yogurt and fruit. They are super easy to make, and the bottom of the tarts can be stored or frozen for a few days. A…

Mini breakfast cakes of oatmeal, with yogurt and fruit
Mini breakfast cakes of oatmeal, with yogurt and fruit By Mini breakfast cakes of oatmeal, with yogurt and fruit Breakfast is the best meal of the day for me. Ok, sometimes they are boring sandwiches, but I like to vary them. This time with oatmeal breakfast cakes, filled with yogurt and fruit. They are super easy to make, and the bottom of the tarts can be stored or frozen for a few days. A…

Cook time: 15 minutes

Prep time: 10 minutes




10 ingredients or less,Summer,Comfort food,Easy,Healthy,Breakfast

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